Thursday, June 20, 2024



Another name of Mother kundalini within us is AdiShakti. "Adi" in sanskrit meaning primordial and "Shakti" means power, so AdiShakti means primordial power.
"The word Athena is the word comes in Sanskrit language like aatha means the Primordial – the Primordial Mother. So it was discovered that there was the Father, there was the Child and there was also the Mother. And the one whom we call Holy Ghost is the Primordial Mother – the Athena. And the snake she carries in herself is significant with the same Kundalini we talk about. That’s her symbol. So it was known to Greeks I think at that time about Kundalini. This power which I call as Kundalini is the reflection of that Primordial Mother or the Holy Ghost within ourselves. She resides in the triangular bone called sacrum. Sacrum is the word given by I think Greeks meaning sacred."
Shri Mataji in 1989-05-24 Athens, Greece,

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