Thursday, February 11, 2010

Viki's quotes

Feb 2010
We were watching a song with Rajesh Khanna and Mumtaz. Viki asked what the name of the girl was. He then explained that she is not Indian, because people in India don't have blonde hair. This shows his observation , correlation and intelligence.
Aug 2011
I have been laughing about this for a month now.
On Janmastami I mentioned in Yada Yada hi Krishna has promised to bring balance to the world when the evil becomes stronger than good, because balance between good and bad is most important. So Viki says "This means I need to listen to you sometimes and not listen to you other times." I feel like it took me 40 years to figure this out about my seniors and he figured it out at 6. I guess all of us struggle with deciding what to listen and what not to of the things our parents tell us and that is the bigger question.