Saturday, November 18, 2017

ohio devfest by GDG (google developer group)

I attended the ohio devfest by GDG (google developer group)

Get talking with Actions on Google

The keynote was about Actions for google by @abraham  and @pblatteier
You can make a action for google app using dialogflow templates

You say something to google assitant which INVOKES your app. It relays the message to your app which detects the INTENT of the the user and pairs it with an ACTION.

From there it does the action and returns a response to the user.

The speakers demoed their movie maven app which helped the user find a movie based off a genre.

You can reserve keywords which the google assitant will understand and do a implicit invocation of  your app.

Predicting the Internet of Things With Tensorflow

Taron foxworth talked about internet of things, machine learning.

What is IOt 95% of all consumers wil lhave a chip by 2020. as avg devices become more intelligence, consumer will start to expect it.
microcontroller :  tiny computer run 1 program again and again.

gateway can be as small as a pi or a big server serving one purpose connecting things.

arduino connected to  piezo buzzer making a vibration. demo trying to show increse vibration and at certain level stop. platform around notifcation and control.  macine learning track subtle changes not perceptible by humans. machine learning is glorified statitstics, tweaking own statistical parameters. process iterate it over and automate the adjustments.  Keras

  1. Training a model: model is a function which takes input which you define. It is very strict. gives you output. very consistent. Training looks at data in supervised way. looking at all data and trying and trying and trying and see a pattern. if you have examples for all your cases. machine has to break first. 
  2. Building the model : qualitative -> quantitative . Monday to Sunday becomes 0 to 7. break complex to simple which machine can understand. reframing your question very important. 

Convolutional Neural Networks : what group of pixels I have seen before. Other thinigs low confidence.
let training determine what the right answer is. By playing with the training, number of layers, number of data points.

Keras is an open source neural network library written in Python. It is capable of running on top of MXNetDeeplearning4jTensorflowCNTK or Theano.[
for production you upload to google and google scales it. just an api call.
models can train other models. just looking at numbers.

data scientist trains the model, build the model , dev ops take to production because it is just api from that point..

machine learning not on cloud running on edge. what happens if inernet goes. need to control the pipleine.

everyday examples of AI and ML

self healing machines. as a mchine if I know I am failing, I can change my arm.

Actions on Google Code Lab

Using Popular Machine Learning Models and Techniques

have 100 people predict your height,
prediction error
resampling methods
result are not sample specific
k fold ramdom sample

tree based method for regression and classification
take the data and segment it ba

Favorite Resouces: Machine Learning Concepts

fireside chat
tools most excited about : kotlin, VR, lithtml firebase probabilistic programming dso tensorflow

tech coming in near future : autonomous vehicles, tensor flow on mobile devices, block chain

3d print

favorit goog api
google home
places api
vision analysis api

go to stack overflow and look for unanswered questions and solve them

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Imagine John Lennon

Imagine is a classic Beatle song

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky

Imagine all the people
Living for today (ah ah ah)

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too

Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

(You) You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

(You) You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Friday, April 28, 2017

Getting started with Java 8

I attended the No Fluff Just Stuff conference today, in Columbus, OH. I was inspired by Ken Kousen's presentation of Java 8 recipes. So to get started on Java 8 and to be able to run the sample code he was showing, I did the following steps:

Voila! I was ready to run the code, see the results for myself and play with the code. There is so much satisfaction in seeing something actually run and generate output.
Thanks Ken!!!

Some other tips he gave were:

Thanks to my company Nationwide for sending me to this awesome conference.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Shri Kundalini Stuti Stotram

Kundalini Stuti Stotram on youtube with meaning in Hindi
Link to mp3 audio

|| श्री कुण्डलिनी स्तुति स्तोत्र ||
ॐ जन्मोद्धारनिरीक्षणीहतरुणी
नित्यं चेतसि भाव्यते भुवि कदा सद्वाक्य
मां पातु प्रियदासभावकपदं सङ्घातये श्रीधरे !
धात्रि ! त्वं स्वयमादिदेववनिता दीनातिदिनं पशुम्
रक्ताभामृतचन्द्रिका लिपिमयी सर्पाकृतिनिर्द्
जाग्रत्कूर्मसमाश्रिता भगवती त्वं मां समालोकय
मांसो मांसोद्गन्धकुगन्धदोषजडितं वेदादि
स्वल्पास्वामलचन्द्र कोटिकिरणै-नित्यं शरीरम् कुरु
सिद्धार्थी निजदोष वित्स्थलगतिर्व्याजीयते
कुण्डल्याकुलमार्गमुक्तनगरी माया कुमार्गःश्रिया
यद्येवम् भजति प्रभातसमये मध्यान्हकालेSथवा
नित्यम् यः कुलकुण्डलीजपपदाम्भोजं स सिद्धो भवेत्
वाय्वाकाशचतुर्दलेSतिविमले वाञ्छोफ़लोन्मूलके
नित्यम् सम्प्रति नित्त्यदेहघटिता साङ्केतिता
विद्या कुण्डलमानिनी स्वजननी माया क्रिया
यैस्तैः सिद्धकुलोद्भवैः प्रणतिभिः सत्स्तोत्रकैः
शम्शुभिः II4II
वाताशन्कविमोहिनीति बलवच्छायापटोद्गामिनी
संसारादी महासुख प्रहरिणी ! तत्र स्थिता
सर्वग्रन्थिविभेदिनी स्वभुजगा सूक्ष्मातिसूक्ष्मा
ब्रह्मज्ञानविनोदिनी कुलकुटीराघातनी भाव्यते
वन्दे श्रीकुलकुण्डलीं त्रिवलिभिः साङ्गैः
प्रावेष्ट्याम्बर चित्तमध्यचपला बालाबलानिष्कलां
या देवी परिभाति वेदवदना सम्भावनी तापिनी
इष्टानाम् शिरसि स्वयम्भुवनिता सम्भावयामि
क्रियाम् II6II
वाणी कोटि मृदङ्गनाद मदना- निश्रेणिकोटिध्व
प्राणेशी प्रियताममूलकमनोल्लासैकपूर्णानना
आषाढोद्भवमेघराजिजनित ध्वान्ताननास्थायिनी
माता सा परिपातु सूक्ष्मपथगे ! मां योगिनां
शङ्करी II7II
त्वामाश्रित्त्य नरा व्रजन्ति सहसा
आनंदैक विलासिनीम् शशिशता नन्दाननां कारणम्
मातः श्रीकुलकुण्डली प्रियकले काली कलोद्दीपने !
तत्स्थानं प्रणमामि भद्रवनिते ! मामुद्धर त्वं पथे II8II
कुण्डलीशक्तिमार्गस्थं स्तोत्राष्टकमहाफ़लम्
यः पठेत् प्रातरुत्थाय स योगी भवति धृवम्
क्षणादेव हि पाठेन कविनाथो भवेदिह
पवित्रौ कुण्डली योगी ब्रह्मलीनो भवेन्महान्
इति ते कथितं नाथ ! कुण्डलीकोमलं स्तवम्
एतत् स्तोत्र प्रसादेन देवेषु गुरुगीष्पतिः
सर्वे देवाः सिद्धियुता अस्याः स्तोत्रप्रसादतः
द्विपरार्धं चिरञ्जीवी ब्रह्मा सर्वसुरेश्वरः
इति श्री आदि शक्ती भैरवी विरचितम्
श्री कुण्डलिनी स्तुति स्तोत्रम् संपूर्णम् ॥ॐ ॥

Lyrics copied from this site