Thursday, June 27, 2024

Why do I meditate?

Just as clouds are always in the sky, but we notice them only when we look up and observe in silence, our heart is always beating, but during meditation, when I reach a state of calm and wear earbuds, my attention naturally shifts to my heartbeat, and I can hear it clearly without effort.

Similarly, the divine universal energy is always around and within us, guiding and helping us. We become aware of its presence, blessings, and workings only when we are quiet. Those moments of silence allow me to witness the mental drama my mind creates around perceived problems. As soon as I can observe this drama, it dissolves, and I can surrender and let go.

There are physical symptoms during meditation: I might yawn, tears may flow, and I almost always get goosebumps. I also feel the energy moving inside me, creating ripples of joy. This leaves me relaxed and recharged. If I lose an object, I often find it after meditation.

Although this experience is subjective and surreal, it is so palpable that I cannot deny it. Its spontaneous nature, impossible to recreate on demand, reminds me why I meditate and sustains my practice.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

aws AI learning resources

  i went here and chose the gemini  multimodal which can search information in a image and give answers. I then uploaded this document which is png screenshot of the pdf which in turn has screenshots. So it was able to look at the screenshot and give the answer to this question


use the uploaded document to tell me how i can change the status of the contact and give me the screenshot this has all the pdfs for prospectus and performance of the annuities offered by nationwide

Thursday, June 20, 2024



Another name of Mother kundalini within us is AdiShakti. "Adi" in sanskrit meaning primordial and "Shakti" means power, so AdiShakti means primordial power.
"The word Athena is the word comes in Sanskrit language like aatha means the Primordial – the Primordial Mother. So it was discovered that there was the Father, there was the Child and there was also the Mother. And the one whom we call Holy Ghost is the Primordial Mother – the Athena. And the snake she carries in herself is significant with the same Kundalini we talk about. That’s her symbol. So it was known to Greeks I think at that time about Kundalini. This power which I call as Kundalini is the reflection of that Primordial Mother or the Holy Ghost within ourselves. She resides in the triangular bone called sacrum. Sacrum is the word given by I think Greeks meaning sacred."
Shri Mataji in 1989-05-24 Athens, Greece,

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Raja Rajeshwari

Last week we talked about Mother Kundalini's name "Leela Vinodini" which translates to "Whose Sport is the Universe". Another name of the Mother Kundalini within us is "Raja Rajeshwari". It translates to "The Queen of Queens" or "The Empress." This epithet signifies her supremacy and sovereignty over all realms.

"So Raja Rajeshwari is that power of Kundalini which establishes within you. It doesn’t mean that you should get lots of money, but should become generous, as if you are a king. Raja Rajeshwari means that you develop the temperament of a king. Here we are talking about the pure form. The one who worships Raj Rajeshwari, and the one who achieves it, has so many qualities that they maybe cannot be described in today's lecture. But the biggest thing which happens is that one develops generosity, he becomes generous, knowing that he is nourished by the power of Raj Rajeshwari. "I will never have any shortage of money or anything else. So why not just enjoy! Why not make myself happy by giving to others?"
Hyderabad (India), 20 January 1994

Thursday, June 6, 2024


 In Indian philosophy, Lila (or Leela) refers to the concept of the universe as the divine play of God.

One of the names of the Mother Kundalini within us is "lila vinodini' 

which translates to "Whose sport is the universe".  It signifies the playful and effortless creation of the cosmos by the divine. This creation is seen as an overflow of divine bliss, rather than driven by any necessity or purpose. Lila (or Leela) emphasizes the freedom and spontaneity of creation, and the world itself is seen as a stage for this divine play.

Another translation could be "One who enjoys the play". We have felt that our connection with her is so strong yet fragile. Sometimes she showers us with the joy in an instant and another time not so much. That shows her playful nature, her spontaneity and also that we cannot take her for granted.

When we meditate, we are able to develop the detachment to see the world as a divine play.

Shri Mataji's speech from 1992-08-16 in Italy -

"This is all a leela, it is just a play. Because you are involved into it, you cannot see the play. But if you ascend – if you are in the water you are afraid of the water, but if you get into the boat you can see the water, and if you know how to swim you can even save the people who are in the water. So  if you develop a witness state, sakshi swarupata, if you develop that state then you see the whole thing as a drama. See the problem, and because you are out of it, you can solve the problem."